Our Team

The Children’s Homes Association is an expert-led organisation with an influential voice and fearlessly child-centred approach. Our team provide accessible, day-to-day support to our members and work directly with sector stakeholders, government and media.

The Children’s Homes Association is genuinely member-led. Governance is provided by board members who are drawn from our sector-wide community of member organisations, ensuring that everything we do is led by the interests of the children and young people cared for throughout the diverse sector we represent.

Our leadership team are supported by a range of associates and sector experts to ensure we are always able to provide the knowledge and guidance our members need to provide exemplary residential childcare.


Dr Mark Kerr

Chief Executive Officer

Mark is a recognised expert in residential childcare whose vast experience spans research, policy, service development and improvement, working directly with providers, local authorities and sector stakeholders to facilitate collaboration and improvement in outcomes for children and young people. Committed to evidence-based policy and practice, and ‘understanding what works, when, where and for which children’, Mark’s PhD was one of the largest studies in recent years to investigate outcomes in residential child care.

Jennifer Robbins

Head of Policy and Strategy

Jen is an experienced leader in developing and implementing policy in children’s social care. Following her studies in Social Psychology Jen spent several years volunteering and working in children’s residential care prior to a decade long career in the civil service, most recently leading on children’s homes policy within the Department for Education, before joining The CHA.

Clair Davies MBE

Interim Chair

Clair Davies MBE, who previously led Appletree Treatment Centre and specialises in therapeutic aspects of care, is Chair of The CHA’s Board, which is drawn from the CHA’s membership, and includes a number of representatives from local authority, independent and charity run children’s homes who bring wide-ranging skills and expertise.

All members of The Children’s Homes Association have an equal voice. A provider with one children’s home has the same voting rights as a large organisation with multiple homes.