Opening a children's home

In our experience, it is not possible for new providers to succeed in providing exemplary residential childcare without significant advice, support and guidance – whether from specialist consultants or more experienced organisations who have completed the same journey. Our information and support services and the spirit of mutual support and collaboration that exists amongst our membership are of enormous benefit to new providers in the residential child care sector.

CHA membership is highly recommended to all new residential childcare providers. The challenges in beginning to operate a new children’s home are many and complex, ranging from stringent regulatory requirements to staffing issues, not to mention the ability to provide appropriate care in a safe and homely environment.

CHA membership is available to a new residential childcare organisation, as long as your application for OFSTED or CiW registration has already been submitted.

We also offer webinars tailored to give new providers the essential advice they need. To enquire, get in touch with us and keep an eye on our Events page for the opportunity to join future sessions.