As we start to think about ‘what next’ for Staying Close, teams taking part in the pilot are getting ready to share what they’ve learned.

Invitation to DfE Staying Close learning events

Invitation to DfE Staying Close learning events

Dear Colleague

Invitation to Register – Staying Close Online Learning Events Autumn 2021

Sharing learning from the Staying Close pilots

Since 2018, eight providers of services for care leavers have been funded by DfE to pilot new approaches to ensuring young people leaving residential care have a place they can call home and continue to receive support.

As we start to think about ‘what next’ for Staying Close, teams taking part in the pilot are getting ready to share what they’ve learned at six regional learning events for:

●      LA Heads of Commissioning

●     Assistant Directors of Children’s Services

●     Heads of Service

●     Leaving Care Managers

●     VCS and Private Children’s Home Providers

The events will be held on:

North21st September 20211pm – 4pm30th September 20219am – 12pm
Midlands6th October 20219am – 12pm19th October 20211pm – 4pm
South2nd November 20219am – 12pm11th November 20219am – 12m

These learning events will take place online meaning that of course, you can attend whenever you choose without the inconvenience of travel.  However, you are encouraged to register for one of the dates assigned to your region if you can, so you can join discussions and make connections with people who live and work near you.

At each learning event you will hear from:

●     Staying Close to teams about the services they have co-designed with young people and practitioners in the pilot;

●     Staff who are working with young people to learn about the partnerships and collaboration that have helped them;

●     DfE about policy direction for care leavers and where next for Staying Close;

and most important of all:

●     Young people about their experiences of Staying Close and what it has meant for them as they transition to adulthood and independence.

Please register for the event of your choice on this Eventbrite link.  Further details and joining instructions will follow nearer the time.

For further information about Staying Close or with any questions about these events please contact and