CHA virtual conference now 24th January

CHA virtual conference now 24th January 2023

We have made the decision to postpone The Children’s Homes Association’s virtual conference until Tuesday 24th January 2023 – this has been necessary to ensure the attendance of key speakers in the programme and provide a timely platform for discussion and collaboration around changes and challenges in the residential child care sector. 

I wish the delay was not necessary, but I believe that by postponing the conference we are ensuring a genuinely informative, collaborative event at a time when it has never been more important for our sector to come together, and set the agenda for exemplary residential child care.  A key aim of our annual conference is for delegates to hear directly from government about significant changes in the sector, while providing a platform to discuss those issues as a sector with all stakeholders present. For this to happen authentically requires information and engagement from government that is not currently available due to recent changes in parliament. 

I hope you are all able to attend on 24th January 2023. There is no need to re-register, all tickets will simply be carried to the new date.  If you do need to make any changes to your registration, don’t worry, there is no need to contact us immediately  – our team will send instructions next week to help you amend any aspects of registration as needed between now and January 24th.

Register here >